Custer County Library Foundation
The Custer County Library Foundation (CCLF) is dedicated to raising funds and managing them in a fiscally responsible manner for the support of the Custer County Library. CCLF enriches lives in our community by advocating for a vital library, increasing awareness, raising funds, and supporting key library programs and capital improvements at the library branches in both Custer and Hermosa.
We need you for the Library to flourish. You have the ability to make an indelible mark on your community by giving to the Custer County Library Foundation. Your gift, whether in dollars, time, or service, is a gift in support of the library and the many services, materials, and programs it provides to the community.
To join the Foundation or donate, use this Form.
You can bring or mail your donation to the library or use the PayPal link below.
To join the Executive Council, use this Form to help draft a Letter of Interest
Donate Online
The Custer County Library Foundation (CCLF) is dedicated to raising funds and managing them in a fiscally responsible manner for the support of the Custer County Library.
The Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, supplements existing library funds through fund raising, grants, and/or donations.
Regular membership is open to any person, whether or not they reside in Custer County or use the services of Custer County Library, upon payment of dues of $5 per year.
Associate membership is open to any organization whether or not it is located in Custer County, upon payment of dues of $25 per year.
To join the Foundation, use this Form. You can also bring or mail your membership form to the library.
The Custer County Library Foundation (CCLF) is dedicated to raising funds and managing them in a fiscally responsible manner for the support of the Custer County Library
The Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, supplements existing library funds through fund raising, grants, and/or donations.
The five-member Executive Council of the Foundation is composed as follows:
President – Rose Mary Kor
Vice-President/President-elect – Kim Canete
Secretary/Treasurer – Katherine Wakefield
Member-at-large – Audrey Alfson
Member-at-large/Custer County Library Board of Directors Liaison – Susan Estes-Swindal
Ex officio member/Registered Agent/Custer County Library Director – Sarah Myers
Annual Meeting- January 23rd, 2025
Past Meeting Minutes
Gifts to the Foundation are cumulative. Names will be placed on the website and on our donor tree. Gifts may also be anonymous.
Andrew Carnegie (Rocks) $10,000+ |
Bob & Helen Davis | Mary L. Dyar in honor of Jessie Dyar |
Betty Gould | Robert Hamm Trust |
Sarah N. Dipity | Gary & Rosemary Chappell |
William Shakespeare (Gold Leaves) $2,500-$9,999 |
Karen L. Brown | Custer Mile High Garden Club |
Corrine Darrow | First Interstate Custer Area Fund |
Trudy Trask | Helen Walsh |
Mark Twain (Silver Leaves) $1,000-$2,499 |
Battle River Order of the Eastern Star | Craig E. Anderson |
Cold Springs Historical Society | Custer Hospitality |
Custer Rotary Club | Kids Inc. 4-H Club |
Lynn’s Dakotamart | Hollis Marriot |
Pamida Foundation | Shopko Foundation |
Tennyson Family Foundation | Alice Wheeler |
George Nelson Wolf | Zonta Club of the Southern Black Hills |
Kent & Sue Gartner | In Memory of Evelyn Ferraro |
Diane Dennis | In Memory of Lee R. Sutton Sr. |
Lois Wells | In Memory of Kali V. Teasley |
In Memory of Vickie Jo Urban | In Honor of Mary Richards |
David & Joanne Sutton | |
Emily Dickinson (Copper Leaves) $100-$999 | |
Pleasant Valley Farm & Cabins | Black Hills Power |
Kerry & Laura Burns | John & Diana Carson |
Crazy Horse Memorial Fund | Margaret Ferguson |
Li Fjerestad | Betty Flanagan Memorial |
Kay Foust | Maxine Frack |
Fresh Start Red Rooster Program | John Harrington |
Joe Hartpence Memorial | Barbara Hendrickson |
Dr. Mark & Sonja Hogg | Patricia Hott |
David E. Kamienski | Shirley Kennel |
Gilbert and Joyce Moran | Ann Morrow |
Charles and Mary Myers | Tom and Linda Nelson |
Virginia Jones Newton | James A. and Mary B. Ogren |
Helen Parlin Memorial | Darlene Sager |
Julie Smith | Kathleen F. Soli |
Kerry Steevers | Harry & Joan Taylor |
Allen & Gail Trask | Daniel & Nancy Vecchioni |
Henry & Joyce Whitney | Gary Williams & Li Fjerestad |
Kathleen Wrangham | Craig & Bobbi Hindle |
Oonagh Wood | In Memory of Anthony J. Jenniges |
Jeanette Bennett | Arbutus Winter |
In Memory of Virginia Ferguson | Corbin & Terri Herman |
Dollar General Literacy Foundation | Goff Law Office |
Linda Nowell | Dennis & Debby Crowley |
Roger & Mindy Weber | Larry & Jean Mattheson |
In Memory of Charles Pennel | Peary A. & Eileen M. Wilson |
Samuel & Nora Smolnisky | Freda Mantei |
Kristy Ward | Pierre & Katherine Wakefield |
Michael Pagel | In Memory of Larry Lee Peterson |
Susan Anderson | Charles & Mary Myers |
Linda M. Hasselstrom & Jerry Ellerman | Chuck & Kaona Hazlett |
Don & Karen Kraus | Carol & Paul Nieman |
Steve & Marcia Pischke | First Interstate Bank |
Ed & Renée Starr | Diane & Rich Geeting |
Mary E. Coffin | Karen Baldwin |
In Memory of Mrs. F. Therese Ryan | In Memory of Mrs. Mary E. Linard |
In Memory of Herb Ryan | In Memory of Bill Baker |
Lavina Shoop | Janet & Richard Serino |