Computer Use Rules
1. Computer use is free-of-charge, but donations are accepted.
2. Minors must be able to read or be accompanied by a responsible caretaker. Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss and monitor appropriate use and electronic information network safety with their children.
3. Use is limited to one hour per day in half-hour increments on a first-come/first-served basis.
4. Users must sign in at the desk before using a computer.
5. No food or drink is allowed at any computer work station.
6. If required, please ask library staff for assistance on how to operate the equipment. For instructions about specific programs, use the program’s FAQs or help menu.
7. Current charges for printing pages are posted at the front desk.
8. For privacy, please delete your temporary files when you exit programs and log-off all password-protected sites such as Facebook. Temporary files are automatically deleted at the end of the day. BE CAREFUL: Other users are able to access your undeleted files for the rest of the day.
9. Do not install your software or firmware on these computers.
10. Computer privileges will be limited, suspended or revoked for spamming, hacking, introducing viruses, harassing others or damaging equipment. All library privileges will be revoked for use of a computer to visit obscene websites. For a complete statement of the Custer County Library computer policies and penalties for misuse, see the Policy manual at the front desk.
11. Custer County, the Custer County Library, its trustees, agents and employees assume no liability for any and all harm, loss or damage to the user or user’s data, accounts or files arising out of his or her use of the library computers. Users further agree to hold Custer County, the Custer County Library, its trustees, agents and employees harmless from and any and all harm, loss or damage to the users arising out of his or her use of the library computers.
REMEMBER: These computers are shared. Please help maintain the safety of our community and make the library a pleasant place for everyone.